
Showing posts from February, 2019

Water Contaminants part - 5

Water contaminants Brief information   limits of contaminants for safe drinking water and Health effects Part-5. 17 - Silicon (Si) and water Silicon occures abundently on earth after oxygen. Silicon found in most minerals and also in sea water and other waters as silicilic acid. silicon in sea surface water is 30 ppb, in deep water arround 2 ppm. In river water generaly 4 ppm, Silica dissolve in water slowly and form ortho silicilic acid (H4SiO4 or Si(OH)4. About 20% of dissolve silicon remove from river water because of biological or chemical trasformation process and in this way a large amount of silica transported to sea.  Free silica do not found naturally but in crystallized form under extremely high temperature. Water have  very little effects on silcon solubility because of the rapidly form silicon dioxide which serve as aprotective layer. Silicon compounds react with water for example silicon tetra fluoride with water to form hydrogen fluoride, tetra c...
WATER   TESTING: REASONS FOR TESTING CERTAIN PARAMETERS TEST PARAMETER REASONS FOR TESTING Alkalinity (Alkaphot) Natural and treated waters may contain a variety of dissolved alkaline substances such as carbonates, bicarbonates, hydroxides, and, to a lesser extent, borates, phosphates and silicates. In waters of neutral pH, the alkalinity derives from the presence of bicarbonates. Total Alkalinity is an important test in determining the aggressiveness or scale tendency of the water. If the total alkalinity is low the water may be aggressive and cause corrosion to pipework and structures. If the total alkalinity is high, the water may more readily promote scale formation. Alkalinity control is therefore an important part of many water treatment programmes. Alkalinity M and P Quantitatively, alkalinity is the capacity of the water to react with acid to a specific pH end point. The value obtained will depend on the indicator used. Two measures of alkalinity are conventiona...
          W A T E R P U R I F I C A T I O N G L O S S A R Y INTRODUCTION   Water purification has a lexicon of its own which has been developed over centuries. To the uninitiated it sounds like Greek. Until now the only way to learn it was either to get a degree in chemistry or work in the field for 20 years. In an effort to illuminate water treatment-ese, we have prepared this Water Purification Glossary. to provide definitions for commonly used water treatment "slang." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Absolute: - (as opposed to Nominal) Refers to a cartridge filter’s ability to live up to it’s rating. An absolute 0.45 micron filter will remove at least 99.9% of all particles 0.45 microns in size or larger. A nominal 0.45 micron filter will only remove 95% of particles 0.45 microns and larger Absorption: - The taking up of one substance into the body of anoth...