
Showing posts from January, 2019

Water Contaminants - Part 3

Water contaminants   Part 3 Brief information   limits of contaiminants for safe drinking water and Health effects 11- Lithium (Li) and water Lithium in water (Li + H2O) Lithium in Seawater arround 0.17 ppm Rivers only 3 ppb Mineral water 0.05-1 mg/l Large amounts found in water from Karlsbad, Marienbad and Vichy and  found as Li+ (aq). Lithium when react with water forms lithium hydroxide and hydrogen, it is an exothermic reaction and temperature reaches upto 750oC releasing hydrgen gas and it can be used as hydrogen storage. Soluability of lithium in water is 2800 liter/kg 2 Li(s) + 2 H2O -> 2 LiOH (aq) + H2(g) Solubility of other lithium compounds like lithium chloride, lithium carbonate, lithium phosphate, lithium fluoride and lithium hydroxide are less water soluble for example Lithium hydroxide has a 129 g/L solubility further more elementry lithium has less soluability in water. Lithium occure as minerals like amblygonite, petalite, le...

Water Contaminants - Part 2

Water Contaiminants- Part 2   Brief information    limits of contaiminants for safe drinking water and Health effects    7- Helium (He) and water  Helium as a noble gas and after hydrogen, it is the most prevalent element in the universe that is 5 ppm in the atmosphere, 4-7 ppt in sea water and usually do not react with any other particles.   As it does not react with water or any particles, but can produce non-stable compounds as VHe3+ and HePtHe2+.  Helium is the most less soluble in water that is 1.5mg/l at 20oc at I bar pressure.  Helium used as a coolant for nuclear reactors, applied as gas lasers, used as a protective coating, remain in liquid below -269oc. helium E939 used as food additive. Uranium minerals contain small amounts of helium. Helium may escape through splits in the earth's crust. However, it does not end up in water directly and used to find leaks, nuclear weapon testing, to determine radioactivity and water conta...

Water Contaminants - Part 1

Water contaminants - Part 1   Brief information limits of contaiminants for safe drinking water and Health effects.    1. Aluminium Occurance: Aluminum present in seawater approximately 0.013 and 5 ppb. River water generally contains about 400 ppb of aluminum. It occurs as Al3+ (acidic),as Al(OH)4- (neutral to alkalic). Other forms include AlOH2+, Al(OH)3. Aluminum founds in variouse forms on earth: As mineral: as feldspars, such as and orthoclase, anorthite, albite, micas and bauxite, and clay minerals. A number of gemstones contain aluminum, examples are ruby and sapphire. Aluminum salts being used to precipitation for phosphate removal. water purification between pH6.8 and pH7.3 as hydroxides. Some more examples of aluminum application are aluminum chloride, aluminum oxide, aluminum sulphate,  and aluminum hydrogen as a reduction and hydration agent. What are the environmental effects of aluminum in water? Regular aluminum in groundwater is about 0.4 ppm, ...